Tuesday, November 02, 2010
And I totally agree with the following quote from that article:
...record and playback is overrated. It’s fine for creating throwaway scripts, and for creating a first draft script that you then refactor without mercy until it doesn’t even resemble the original recording. But record and playback is not a test automation strategy. It is at best a tool and at worst a crutch. Be wary of record and playback.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Using Page Object pattern for Web Application testing with WebDriver
The Page Objects is a great pattern for automated testing of any GUI application, both desktop and web. In a nutshell the Page Object is a class that represents the page (or window for the desktop application) of the Application under the Test (AUT). The automated test interacts with the page through the page object instance.
The following example uses WebDriver, Java and TestNG and wil "test" the Google Mail login page.
First, we need to create a page object for the login page. We will use http://mail.google.com as the start page.
package demo.pageobects; |
Then we will use this page object in our test class:
package demo.pageobects; |
Of course this example is very simple. In your real test the login method should return the instance of another page object (i.e. InboxPage) or the new instance of the GmailLoginPage if login failed.
Monday, February 01, 2010
VirtualBox Headless and Vista
You should specify different port for your VM (default is 3389), for example:
VBoxHeadless -s your_vm_name -p 5029
and connect to localhost:5029 via RDC. You were unable to connect because Vista (and Windows 7 as well) refuses connections from localhost.